Life isn't perfect, but it does have perfect moments.
Being sensitive is a blessing and a curse. It can open up more possibilities to connect with others and self, but it can also make your body and mind sensitive to various environments. For instance, even just changing the time of day of when I take an every day medicine can make me feel real crappy.
Yesterday was one of those days. Migraine and hot flashes. Dackota came over, saw me crying, and asked, "Can I do anything for you?" He tucked me in bed, got me a cold washcloth, brought me some juice, and said, "I could read you a story if you'd like." How did he know the sound of his voice near me is just what I needed to remain calm?
After the story he hugged me and kissed me and said, "I can read your 'rock,'" referring to the painted rock he gave me for our first Christmas together. "It says 'I still love you...'"
How did he know that in that moment I wanted to apologize for not feeling good, even though I knew it wasn't my fault? How did he know I would be focused on my weaknesses and needed a reminder of my good qualities? Those that he had practically written in stone, never to be forgotten.
As a sensitive perfectionist I am fully aware that life is not perfect, nor are the people or things in it. But this - this was a perfect moment.
In that perfect moment I was overwhelmed with love. I felt like my heart might burst with love and joy (and I still had a migraine!). I had to reality check myself because it felt too good to be true. I knew that all those years I spent searching for a husband was worth it. He is worth it. I knew that those frustrating, and sometimes lonely times I endured weren't for nothing. I knew that because I continued on as best I could even though things weren't going "my way" I was being prepared for something far greater than I imagined. There really was, and still is, a divine plan for me.
And knowing what I know now, knowing the sweet, good man Dackota is, knowing our love, I would have waited more patiently. I would have waited many more years to have what I have now.
Sometimes the things we wait a long time for become even sweeter than they would have been without the wait.
I know that just because we said these prayers is not the reason why all of a sudden it all worked out, but it has caused me to appreciate our link to heaven. I know those prayers were heard and comfort was sent.
I share this knowing that not all couple relationships are this way. And we are certainly not perfect (are we, honey?). But I want people to know that it can be this way, it should be this way, and ultimately, it will be this way if we do our very best to live a good life and keep our covenants and promises with the Lord.
This is one of my favorite photos of Dackota and me. Was everything perfect in the story behind the photo? Absolutely not. The weeks before and night of this photo I was filled with such intense anxiety I felt I was barely managing. I was so scared. I was scared to set a date to get married because I wanted to feel good and happy when I got married.
But the happy ending to this photo is that beautiful man with that beautiful red hair who, so patiently, stayed with me and made me feel loved for not who I would be when I felt better but exactly who I was, right then. He made me feel more whole when I felt so broken inside.
Thank you for staying with me, Dackota.
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I will love you forever.