Saturday, May 19, 2018

Finding the Calm

Get enough sleep, eat right, exercise, etc... We've all heard the typical answers for what helps us when we feel anxious. I read an article recently on more unique things people have found to help their anxiety. Things like knitting, mini check-lists, carrying physical reminders of people in your support system, talking to plants, watching pimple popping videos, etc.

Below are two similar articles from The Mighty, a digital health community created to empower and connect people facing health challenges and disabilities.

23 'Anxiety Hacks' for Anyone Struggling Right Now

22 Unexpected Things That Relax People Who Live With Anxiety

For me I've found distraction is key. I try to apply my anxious energy to positive, productive things to have a positive outcome. There is so much I could write on this subject but I will try to keep it simple.

I have compiled a list of things that help me when I feel anxious, as well as links when necessary so you can view helpful information.

  • Gravity/Weighted Blanket
    • My husband bought this as a Christmas present but I was sleeping so terribly he had me open it up early. My sleep very noticeably improved from the first night I used it.
    • This is the Gravity Blanket I have. 
  • Exercise
    • I used to find yoga relaxing but now I usually find it to be stressful. I prefer cardio to get all that bottled-up-tightness out. There is no right or wrong in what you do to stay active. Try out different things to find out what type of exercise works best for you!
    • I have a short attention span so I've found that even 10 minutes a day can be more than what I was doing before! 10 minute solution videos are great.
Image result for target toning for beginners
 Jacaranda tree
Heart-shaped Oleander tree
 Papago Park

  • Video Games
  • Cooking/baking
    • I've found lots of joy in this as of late. There's something about creating something tasty that is also food for the soul.
    • Of course, my favorite recipes usually involve the sugary ones. My latest fave dates back to college when my roommate made a Sweet Holiday Chex Mix and accidentally added double the butter. We found out AFTER we downed the whole bowl, wondering why that batch tasted extra delicious!
      • I like to take out the word 'holiday,' because really, it's too good to not have more often. My husband refers to it as the "crack" dessert.

Click the image for the recipe!
  • Cleaning
    • This is a way for me to apply my nervous energy into productive, visible results. When I was little I used to clean my room then have my mom and dad come and look at the great job I did. Of course it wasn't hard for them to express affirmation. The only difference now is I take Dackota into whatever room I've cleaned and have him appreciate the great work I've done!
  • Writing
    • Words are extremely important to me, particularly the written word (giving and receiving). I never imagined writing would bring such fulfillment and connectedness. When I write I am able to use my life experiences to create something beautiful.
The beauty of the written word is that it can be held close to the heart and read over and over again Picture Quote #1

Writing brings me home, quiets the chaos, and cleanses my spirit so that I can see again what really matters in my life. This collection of quotes about writing highlights the metaphorical, as well as the literal, connection that the written word shares with life itself.

  • Jigsaw puzzles
    • My mom passed this love on to me. She got me a kindle fire and I've used the heck out of it! A puzzle a day keeps the doctor away. I typically do puzzles on my kindle so I can lay down and feel comfy but still have the satisfaction of putting pieces together.
Image result for jigsaw puzzle quotes
Puzzles are also a great metaphor for life
  • Physical touch
    • Hugging, cuddling gives me a sense of safety and feeling grounded. Especially when I feel my heart is going to jump out of my chest. Dackota got me a stuffed bear to hold on to when he's gone for any period of time. Yes, I'm 27, but even adults need stuffed animals!

  • Music
    • Last year when I was very ill one of the only things that seemed to help me get through it was listening to piano music on Pandora. Other times, when I am able, I will play the piano, guitar, and/or sing.

I recorded myself playing a part of the song "Mia & Sebastian's Theme"from the
movie La la Land. The music really inspired me and playing
this song for the first time felt amazing.

I didn't notice until after I compiled this list that a common theme among many of these is creation. I've never considered myself an "artsy" person, but I've learned that crafting is not the only element of creativity. I think we all have the ability and desire to be creative. Even better, we get to share what we create with others.

I'd love to hear what helps you when you're anxious! What does your creative outlook like?


  1. Thanks Staci! I loved the post!

    You say creation, I say mastery. Exercise, musice, cooking remind us that our actions matter, and that energy comes from giving, not getting.

    I suddenly want to make some un-holiday treats...


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